• Question: what is hex code (base 16)?

    Asked by anon-357039 on 14 Mar 2023.
    • Photo: Liang Zhang

      Liang Zhang answered on 14 Mar 2023:

      Hex code, or hexadecimal code, is a numbering system that is based on 16 digits. The digits in hex code are 0-9 and A-F, where A-F represent the numbers 10-15.

      Hex code is often used in computer programming and digital design to represent colors and other numerical values. In the case of colors, hex code is used to represent the red, green, and blue (RGB) values that make up a particular color. Each RGB value can have a value from 0 to 255, which can be represented in hex code as a two-digit number from 00 to FF.

      For example, the hex code for the color red is #FF0000, which represents the maximum value of red (FF or 255) and zero for green and blue. Similarly, the hex code for the color black is #000000, which represents zero for all three RGB values.

    • Photo: Lucien Heurtier

      Lucien Heurtier answered on 15 Mar 2023:

      I think Liang Zhang gave a very accurate answer to that! I’m curious how you came up with such a question, can you tell us? 😀
