• Question: what should i pick for a levels if i want to be a doctor

    Asked by anon-361294 on 23 Mar 2023.
    • Photo: Lucien Heurtier

      Lucien Heurtier answered on 23 Mar 2023:

      You can become a doctor in many things! I am a doctor in physics 🙂

      Generally, I would say that if you are attracted by something related to natural science, such as medicine, biology, animals, environment, then you should pick biology-chemistry and either geography or physics, depending if you are more into nature or physics.

      If you want to do some more hardcore science, such as maths, engineering, or programming, then I’d recommend to pick physics-maths and maybe chemistry, or other things depending on your taste.

      My impression about the A-level, is that you make sure you pick the two disciplines that are the closest to what you want to do later, and then a third one as a complement, something a little bit more open that you maybe interested in too.

    • Photo: Vicky Fawcett

      Vicky Fawcett answered on 24 Mar 2023:

      For a medical doctor, it is normally good to choose all three sciences.

    • Photo: Fehn Chua-Short

      Fehn Chua-Short answered on 31 Mar 2023:

      Chemistry and Biology are the most important. Some med schools will accept only one plus Maths or Physics, but it’s best to do both to keep your options open.

      For the 3rd Level, most people do Maths or Physics. But if you really wanted to do a different subject, that’s okay with most med schools.

      My doctor friends all did 3 sciences and Maths in L6, then some dropped Physics or Maths in U6.
