• Question: How big is the earth

    Asked by anon-354510 on 10 Mar 2023.
    • Photo: Lucien Heurtier

      Lucien Heurtier answered on 10 Mar 2023:

      Well, the Earth’s radius is 6,371 km. That is approximately a million times larger than the height of a house. That’s also 20,000 times the height of the Eiffel Tower.

      It weights 6 billions of billions kg. That’s a lot , but about a million times less than the sun 🙂

    • Photo: Zoltan Lipp

      Zoltan Lipp answered on 13 Mar 2023: last edited 13 Mar 2023 9:51 am

      This question triggers some thoughts, that could be useful for future scientists 🙂 … first of all, my immediate answer would be: “google it!”, that relates to the fact that there are vast amount of knowledge and there is no way one can know everything by heart and you don’t need to, because fortunately nowadays its much easier to find these information compared to my university days when there were no internet… That said, it is also important to note, that there are LOT of stuff on the internet, and what you need to learn as a future scientist (or as a future anything for that matter…) is how to navigate across the information, how to find efficiently what you are looking for, develop critical thinking to distinguish the real science from “fake” science… for this kind of questions you are asking a good technique could be approximation… so let me bounce back this question to you: if you have no internet how would you try to approximate the mass of the Earth to make sure Lucien up there is telling the truth? 🙂 (I can help in a comment if you start …)

    • Photo: Emma Harris

      Emma Harris answered on 13 Mar 2023:

      What a great question!
      If you dug a hole down into the earth and out the other side, the tunnel through the earth would be nearly 13,000 km! But if you walked all the way around the earth, that would be 40,000 km or about 25,000 miles… or nearly 1 whole year of walking non-stop!
